Our church services, in church and on line, last about an hour and include hymns, prayer, a solo, and readings from the Bible and our textbook Science and Health with key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
Sunday school runs concurrently with church and provides nursery care for under 3’s and classes for 4-20 year olds in person and/or on Zoom.
Wednesday meetings last for about an hour. There are hymns, readings from the Bible and Science and Health, and an opportunity for the congregation to share experiences of healing and of lessons learned in their study of Christian Science.
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri and 1st Saturday of the month - 10.15am - 1.00pm
Tue, Wed, Thu & Sat - 11am - 3pm
The Reading Room is a place to ask questions about Christian Science, where you can also shop for the Bible, Christian Science literature, reference books and music. A computer with internet access to related sites is available. You are welcome to come and spend time in study and prayer.
Closed over Bank Holidays
9th February 2025
For subject: Spirit
118, 475, 10
From the Christian Science hymnal
9th February 2025
The Lord’s Prayer
Words: Matt 6: 9-13
Music: Andrew D. Brewis
12th February 2025
From the Christian Science hymnal
6, 73, 84
For children and young people up to the age of 20
Christian Science Sunday School is a weekly one-hour session where young people up to the age of 20 are taught from the Bible, (including the 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes, covering well known stories and teachings) and given the opportunity to discuss the relevance and application of the teaching to everyday life.
It is a bookshop and place full of resources to help you on your spiritual journey. It is a quiet place in which to study, and a shop where the Bible, Christian Science literature, reference books and music can be purchased. A computer with internet access is available. Members on duty will answer your questions about Christian Science.
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri & 1st Saturday in the month - 10.15am - 1.00pm
(Closed from 24 December to 2nd January)
01932 857369
Tuesdays - 6.30-7.30pm
This is a meeting on Zoom where we are currently reading through Mary Baker Eddy Christian Healer – Amplified edition. We take it in turns to read short extracts and then discuss as appropriate.
On Tuesday 18th February we will continue reading Mary Baker Eddy Christian Healer – Amplified edition
All are welcome to join us
It is a bookshop and place full of resources to help you on your spiritual journey. It is a quiet place in which to study, and a shop where the Bible, Christian Science literature, reference books and music can be purchased. A computer with internet access is available. Members on duty will answer your questions about Christian Science.
Tue, Wed, Thu & Sat - 11am - 3pm
(Closed from 24 December to 2nd January)
Wednesdays - 1pm
We listen to people on JSH-Online sharing their healings and other experiences from the Christian Science Sentinel audio, which takes about 30 mins and then follow that by reading from the Bible or the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. (At present, we are reading through the Bible).
If you want help through prayer to resolve any kind of problem you can contact a Christian Science practitioner or Christian Science nurse.
Find out more on The Mother Church website.
©2023 First Church of Christ, Scientist, Walton & Weybridge. This site has been lovingly created by Margaret Perry Designs on behalf of the Joint Christian Science Reading Room UK.